After the stitch is before care

For all kinds of piercings
The Prontolind Drip Solution is suitable for cleaning all oral piercings.

No burning, no itching
Prontolind Drip Solution is particularly gentle on the skin and also suitable for allergy sufferers.

Regeneration and protection
Prontolind Drip Solution protects and regenerates at the same time. The all-round care from the dropper bottle.

Stub canal well supplied
The Prontolind Drip Solution automatically penetrates into the stitch canal and cleans.

Prontolind solution is ideal for cleaning piercings

Prontolind Drip Solution can be used alternatively to the Piercing Spray and is excellent for cleaning piercings in combination with lint-free cotton swabs and fleece or gauze compresses.

Einfach eine Kompresse oder ein Wattestäbchen mit Prontolind befeuchten und Rückstände am Stichkanal damit vorsichtig entfernen. Der enthaltene Polyhexanid-Betain-Komplex bietet optimalen Schutz und fördert die Abheilung.